Books Published in Multiple Languages
Medical Book Publishers (MBP) offers unique services to the medical profession. Books are published for the professional in English and in several other languages. Our experts are able to translate into medical Spanish, French, Romanian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Chinese and other languages from English and translate into English from various languages. A book created by you, can, also, be printed in several languages.
Brochures and Instructional Handouts
Specialized patient handout books (such as a 6 x 9 inch book, 30 – 40 pages, on Diabetes) are easily prepared for patients and can contain instructions for diagnosis, treatment and other important information. This allows an office to produce an instructional guide, personalized for the office, for a very reasonable price.
Symposia on Specific Subject Areas
The staff at Medical Book Publishers are creating a series of short symposia to increase the understanding within certain medical areas for both laypeople and physicians. These smaller symposia books are 40 – 50 pages and our experts in each sub-specialty areas create the books. Each symposia has four to five books on each major topic, allowing the reader (or patient) to look and understand specifics of the disease. In the process of being developed are series on: chronic pelvic pain in women; infertility and reproduction; acupuncture; women’s health; and the ethics of testing and treatment of genetic problems.
Prior to Submitting a Manuscript for Publication
Just imagine being a published author! Many people including physicians would like to write a book. The problem with this is that very few individuals find the time or make the time to actually do this service. Even if one makes the time to perform this task, this endeavor is a daunting experience. Writing a book is a very difficult undertaking. It requires a group of skills that come with experience and are difficult to master on one’s first attempt. It requires serious organizational discipline to be able to tell your “story” or your “skills” in a flowing manner that allows the readership to understand and follow the “road” to the end.
Medical Book Publishers can help an author write her/his book with the use of our ‘Talk Your Book’ Service. Since it requires knowledge of publishing and the ability to direct the story for the readership to understand and easily follow it, Medical Book Publishers can help you with the writing of the book by ghost-writing parts of the book and allowing you to rearrange the manuscript in your own words. Consequently, you would verbalize the ideas via interviews that allow our editors to acquire all the information necessary; the ghost-writer would develop a rough manuscript of the book (except for technical points that might require your direct input), and then you would review the manuscript and alter it into what you believe would make it better. So, the key would be to make time for a series of interviews allowing our ghost-writer (editor) to develop all the information and our editor will then put together your manuscript for your review and final approval.
Nothing gives you more credibility and authority in your field then authoring a book.
And with our ghost-writing “Talk Your Book”Service, all you have to do is answer the questions that the editor asks you and then revise the subsequent manuscript for the final revision.
How does this service work? Our editor (ghost-writer) will set up an interview(s) to create a detailed outline of your book and all the topics, subtopics and details you wish to cover. After this first step, the editor will do a recorded interview with you during which time you will simply talk about your book by speaking about the topics, subtopics and details you and the editor have already outlined. In a few days to a few weeks, you will have a manuscript to edit for style, accuracy and technical correctness. Occasionally, the entire manuscript is not done at one time, requiring several steps. Once all corrections and final revisions have been made . . . Voilà.
You will be a published author!
Imagine the pride and satisfaction you will feel when you finally see a physical copy of that book you have been intending to write. If you think you have a book in you, then let our MBP editors in the “Talk Your Book” Service help you get it done.
After Publication – Book Promotion Service
After a book is published, many authors are unsure how to market and publicize the book in order to maximize all their efforts. How can we help you promote your new book with our online/off-line “Social Media Book Promotion Service”, so you can use your new book to increase your authority-status, income, prestige and presence within your marketplace of interested customers (or patients)? This new service of MBP, alone or in cooperation with our ghost-writing “Talk Your Book” Service, allows you, as a published author, to reach more of the people who are interested in your topic. In today’s social media world, you really don’t have the luxury of ignoring all the various platforms and avenues available to you for self-promotion. After all, if you won’t promote yourself and your work, then who will? As complex as online, self-promotion might seem, it also affords you the opportunity to reach unprecedented numbers of people. —If and only if— you can implement strategies and tactics that strike a chord with your target audience. So, how can you make online self-promotion work for you? Get clear and get busy! You must start with a comprehensive explanation and quote about how we can help promote you and your new book to the people who matter most to you and your business. Don’t just stop with online promotion. Off-line self-promotion can be so effective. Let us show you how to design and deliver a simple post-card to a list of targeted prospects to announce your new book and to use your new authority status. From list acquisition to post card design and delivery, we can provide off-line promotion of your book to help you:
- Get more recognition
- Increase your market-reach
- Grow your name and expertise
- Get in front of a larger audience
- Increase your income and prestige